This guide consists of seven steps:
1. Creating your EigenPod address
2. Generate withdrawal credentials with an EigenPod address using Allnodes Ethereum Validator Key Generator
3. Host your validator node on Allnodes
4. Change your Fee Recipient Address
5. Enable restaking from EigenLayer
6. Delegate to Allnodes
7. Exiting your validator
1. Creating your EigenPod address
Go to the Eigen Layer official website
Click on the "Connect Wallet" button.
Select your wallet and click the "Next" and "Connect" buttons.
Click the "Restake Your Tokens" button in the Eigenlayer dashboard.
Choose "Beacon Chain Ether" from the Native Restaking menu
Copy your EigenPod Address.
2. Generate withdrawal credentials with an EigenPod address using Allnodes Ethereum Validator Key Generator
Open Allnodes Ethereum Validator Key Generator:
Select your network and wallet, and click the “CONTINUE” button.
3. Click on the “CHANGE” button.
4. Insert your EigenPod address and click on the “CONFIRM” button.
5. Fill in the necessary information and click “GENERATE”.
6. The validator keys you generated with EigenPod withdrawal credentials will be automatically downloaded compressed in a zip file.
3. Host your validator node on Allnodes
Follow this guide to set up your Ethereum Validator node:
At the step where you are asked if you have Validator Keys, kindly click the "YES" button as you already generated them.
Upload the keystore files previously generated with EigenPod withdrawal credentials when prompted in the following steps.
4. Fee Recipient Address
Make sure the Fee Recipient Address is NOT your Eigenpod address. The Fee Recipient Address can also be updated to any address that you control. You can update your Fee Recipient Address from your Allnodes portfolio dashboard.
To change your Fee Recipient Address, click on your node address and click on the "Change" button.
Connect your wallet.
Type your new fee recipient address and click the "APPLY" button.
Sign the message from your wallet.
5. Enable restaking from EigenLayer
All EigenPods created before April 8th must be upgraded to enable the delegation feature per the steps below:
Otherwise, please proceed to the Enable Restaking section.
6. Delegate to Allnodes
Go to the operator tab and search for “Allnodes”, or follow this link:
Click on the “Delegate” button.
7. Exiting your validator
You first initiate the exit on the Allnodes website by clicking "Voluntary Exit." Then you sign a message (no gas) from your deposit address confirming that you really want to exit. Once the exit is completed, you will claim your 32 ETH + rewards from your EigenPod. Please note that once you initiate an exit, it is irreversible and cannot be changed.